Rid me of all sense and senses, take away the joy of touch, taste, sight, sound and smell. Lock my mind and soul in a box and leave my heart be for everything in these days reminds me of you. Every moment of happiness, every second of smiles brings me back in time to a place where you actually existed, a place where you weren't merely a painting of my own imagination but a thing of substance, something I could grasp with both hands and pull towards myself.
If you have found yourself here, contemplating which woman I would speak so boldly of then I would tell it plainly to you that I speak not of a woman at all. Nor of a man for those of you who would immediately take such a simple trip of thought. No, it is not a person but it was an idea. An idea I had so perfectly created in the eyes of my mind that it had truly become a physical possibility, it had grown depth and weight and a gravity that would constantly pull me to it would my mind slip away for the merest of moments.
The obvious question then of course is, what is the idea?
The more interesting question and I would suggest more important one is, how did an idea escape you?
For surely once an idea is had then it is yours forever is it not? It can be brought out and changed and polished and recreated time and time again whenever you need it? This is true for most men and most cases, but alas it is not for mine because this idea that I created is not so simple that it can be owned, it is an idea that is holey unique, this is an idea with wings and as anyone who has truly flown will know, with wings comes freedom, and with freedom come the release of any and all shackles, even those of the mind.
This is the story of Project Pegasus, of how it started, how it fell and how it found freedom from within...
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