Those thoughts that pass over your brain like a semi trailer "passes"over a frog on the highway. God i hate them, truly and utterly mood shattering thoughts, regardless of how good you are feeling these little bastards will come at you like a lobster with a butter knife, painful probably infectious and it always takes you a few moments to work out how your going to handle them. Thoughts like whats if I had... or maybe i shouldn't.... or my personal favourite DO IT, DO IT RIGHT NOW. Those last ones have got me into more trouble then almost anything else in my life. Hmm i probably should jump off this..... DO IT DO IT NOW! and rolled ankle dirty jeans and many laughs from the assholes and onlookers. but my point is how do you battle something coming from within your own mind? your the one thinking it so how can you expel it without further thought? Because even as you think that's dumb why did i think that, the little voice is going maybe hes right... maybe i did fuck that up, or maybe i should call her, and then BAM its got you and you spend the next half an hour trying to nut out a problem that was holy and souly created by your own brain.
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